Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

A Sliver Of A Silver Lining (Retiro Way #0<ε<r)

This title is in reference to some introverts finding that during the pandemic our societies were, for once, organized in a way that ideally suited their nature — not having to leave home except for essential errands, and not having to gather with others, be these their colleagues at work or acquaintances expecting their presence at activities they would rather skip — which kept them continually in their comfort zone, giving them a tolerance for pandemic-related restrictions that extroverts generally lacked. The title also alludes to reports made by a singularly fortunate segment of the population of what psychologists refer to as “post-traumatic growth” (i.e., an overall sense of enhanced well-being), after finding that the forced slowing down and the hours reclaimed from not having a work commute had given them time to exercise more, to eat better, to meditate, to more fully engage in hobbies and with loved ones, and even a renewed awareness of, and reconnection with, what they value most in life. The subtitle contains a reference to infinitesimal numbers because, relatively speaking, any positives the pandemic may have had might seem rather negligible when considering the full picture.