Sylvia Paret, a San Francisco-based artist, creates image-derived works in all of which the primary underlying theme is connection, or the lack thereof. Her method, partly due to Dadaist and Surrealist influences and her Catalan heritage, straddles the line between the somber and the lighthearted, while being irreverently, relentlessly — albeit at times not patently — playful. She studied photography at the Corcoran School of Art, the International Center for Photography, and the Rochester Institute of Technology, where she was offered a merit scholarship and from where she holds an associate degree. She also holds a Johns Hopkins University honors B.A. in natural sciences and French language and literature, and undertook doctoral studies in linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania as a National Science Foundation scholar. Her work has been shown in the de Young Museum as part of their 2020 juried The de Young Open exhibit. She is the recipient of a juror award from famed photographer Judy Dater at the In Focus: Current Photography exhibit at the Richmond Art Center in California.