Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

Get in the house! (Fillmore Street #72)

The above is what Washington, D.C. resident Rahul Dubey screamed at peaceful protesters on the early evening of June 1st, 2020 as he opened the door to his home and waved them inside so that they could escape from police, who had unnecessarily corralled them and then tear-gassed them in hopes of apprehending them for curfew violation. Mr. Dubey not only kept them safe in his home through the night and until dawn, when the curfew hours would be past, but also fed all 72 of them pizza while successfully rebuffing the police’s repeated efforts to barge into his home or lure protesters out — with police shooting pepper spray into the house through an open window, pretending to be protesters seeking refuge, sending decoys to the front door to bait those inside with deceitful assurances that if they were to leave out the back alley they’d be safe, falsely claiming a 911 call had been made from inside the home that required entry for investigation, and attempting to intercept the pizza delivery.