Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

What nonsense I’m talking! (Fillmore Street #45: 0/411)

The title, a quote from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and the number in the subtitle are jointly meant as a reference to the near-incessant stream of nefarious nonsense — which included a full roster of reality-denying tactics like gaslighting and claims of “fake news” — that our country’s 45th president put forth in his speeches and tweets, with the crossed-out 411 — the number that one had to dial until the early 1980s to obtain directory information from a phone operator — denoting the lack of factual information contained in said messaging, in part due to his administration’s habitual strategy of manufacturing “alternative facts”, putting forth demonstrable falsehoods as if they were as factual as the actual facts of a matter.

(Note: The "411" in the subtitle should appear crossed out, but this platform wouldn't allow for said formatting, ergo the "0/" added before the number as an alternative notation, since zero divided by any number gives us zero, again meaning "zero 411", i.e., "zero information".)