Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

Through The Looking-Glass (Retiro Way #2020)

The title references Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking-Glass (the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland), a playful tale about surreal events — not unlike this project. The number in the subtitle is, of course, the year portrayed in this series. Together, the title and subtitle are a reference to 2020 having been a year spent “through the looking-glass”, in a near-literal sense, as in looking through some type of glass or glass-like material — be it that of our windows, that of the screens on our TVs, computers, smartphones, and tablets, and/or that of personal protective equipment, such as face shields or goggles, as was the case for many frontline healthcare workers — but also in a fantastical sense, as if we had all stepped through a metaphorical piece of glass into an entirely surreal experience, much the way Alice did in the Lewis Carroll book of the title.