Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

Say Her Name (Retiro Way #031320)

The title refers to the phrase used in the cries for justice for Breonna Taylor, a young African American woman unconscionably shot and killed in her sleep by police officers who were executing a no-knock warrant in her home, with the number in the subtitle being the date of her murder. Six months later, a Kentucky grand jury announced no charges would be filed against the officers in connection with her death. The following month, 16-year-old Kentucky high-schooler Satchel Walton published, along with his younger brother Cooper, an article revealing that Kentucky State Police had used, in their officer training, a slideshow featuring a quote from Adolf Hitler — “The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence” — and another from pro-slavery Confederate General Robert E. Lee that instructed cadets to be “ruthless killers”, shortly thereafter publishing yet another article revealing that an online training used in 2020 by the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training featured a Nazi symbol in a clip taken from an anti-Semitic video produced by a neo-Nazi media company. The Kentucky State Police Commissioner resigned in the aftermath, and a review of all cadet-training materials presumably followed, per the Governor’s claims.