Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

Burnt-Ember Eclipse (Fillmore Street #090920)

The title is a play on the terms “ember” and “burnt umber”, and refers to the fact that on the morning of September 9th, 2020 (the date in the subtitle) cities across the San Francisco Bay Area nearly had nighttime in the daytime — as during a solar eclipse — because the smoke cover from numerous concurrent wildfires burning across California, Oregon, and Washington states — including the largest wildfire in the history of California and the setting of the record, by that first week of September, of the most area burned in the state in a single year — had blotted out most sunlight — which in turn allowed the embers in said smoke cover to turn our surroundings an eerie burnt-umber blood-like color that, over the course of the day, shifted through red, red-orange, and orange to end up a jaundiced, smoky gray by midafternoon.