Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

The horror of that moment I shall never, never forget. (Fillmore Street #1.85M)

The title is a quote from Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking-Glass, used here to denote the horror of so many things brought on by the pandemic, which, aside from the ones listed for the image “…In A Hand Basket”, heartbreakingly include the hospitalized patients who died alone, their relatives not allowed to visit for one last goodbye; the millions of coronavirus deaths worldwide (hundreds of thousands of them estimated by the scientific community to have been preventable in our country alone, had the government acted correctly from the start and throughout the pandemic); and the numerous mass burials without funereal rites that took place across the world, due to contamination fears and to the number of casualties far exceeding the capacity that our systems of interment are equipped to handle — all of which can only hint at the intense grief and trauma that those who held the deceased dear must be enduring. The number in the subtitle is the approximate total of reported COVID-19 deaths worldwide as of December 31, 2020 — though scientists believe unreported COVID-19 deaths to be so numerous that the actual total must be significantly greater.