Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad. (There Goes The Fillmore Bus #10/6)

The above line, uttered by the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in reference to the Hatter, the March Hare, and all other characters in Wonderland, is used here to allude to the fact that, in one way or another, the year 2020 drove everyone mad — mad from disbelief, from disorientation, from stress, from fear, from fury, from shock, from isolation, from grief — and, sadly, for some even to the point of real trauma. The figure 10/6 appears on a card affixed to the Hatter’s top hat in the book’s original illustrations.

(Note: In both instances above, the digit "6" is supposed to appear as a superscript, as in the book's illustrations, but this platform wouldn't allow for such formatting.)