Portfolio > A Year Out The Window

Club Quarantine (Retiro Way #1984)

The title refers to DJ D-Nice’s Instagram Live pandemic parties — which he dubbed “Club Quarantine” and which drew crowds in the hundreds of thousands, including numerous celebrities — and by extension to the online parties of all the DJs who lost their live-event revenue due to pandemic restrictions and thus resorted to streaming services for a financial lifeline, with dance and music lovers happy to send tips and contributions via the streaming platforms or via funds-transfer apps in exchange for professional-quality mixes to groove to at home. The number in the subtitle is in reference to San Francisco’s Cat Club’s “1984” Thursday night parties, which famed DJ Damon Boyle moved to Twitch, allowing the club’s community to stay connected and to support the club’s staff and one another over the long months during which indoor gatherings were forbidden or severely restricted.